總會活動資訊(MTA Activities)+MORE
2017 澳門青少年網球錦標賽
2017 Macau Tennis Junior Championships
1. Organizer: Macau Tennis Association.
2. Events:
1) Boy’s Singles 18 & Under;
2) Boy’s Singles 14 & Under;
3) Boy’s Singles 12 & Under;
4) Boys’ Doubles;
5) Singles 10 & Under;
6) Girl’s Singles 18 & Under;
7) Girl’s Singles 14 & Under;
8) Girl’s Singles 12 & Under;
9) Girl’s Doubles
10) Kid’s Group matches 5-8
3. Fixtures & Venue:
Fixtures: From 23th Apr. to 30th Apr., events start at 19:00 p.m. on weekdays; 10:00 a.m. on weekends.
Venue: Macau Tennis School.
4. Conducts of Tournament:
The tournament will be conducted under the latest Rules of Tennis regulated by the International Tennis Federation (ITF).
5. Format of Events:
A. The games will be divided into two stages, the first of which will be exercised as a round-robin competition; while knockout will be utilized in the second stage of it.
B. Ranking will be established by the number of matches won. If this leaves two players/pairs equal, ranking will be decided by the result of the match between them.
If three or more players/pairs have won the same number of matches, ranking will be decided by the difference between total games won and total games lost, with greater difference ranked higher. If three or more players/pairs are still equal (under the circumstances), then ranking will be established by drawing lots (Ballot). Two points are awarded for a win, one for a loss, and nothing for a loss in an unfinished match (i.e. for abstainers).
1. All matches in the main draw & Knockout system for events 1-2,6-7 6 games. And there is “No Advantage” in each game. When the games set comes to six games all, 7 point tie break will be played.
2. All matches in the main draw & Knockout system for events for events 3,5,8 4 games. And there is “No Advantage” in each game, games starting at two All. When the games set comes to six games all,7 point tie break will be played.
3.The setting of singles finals is best of three. 3,5,8 games starting at two All, When the first set comes to six games all, there comes the Tiebreak. Moreover, when the final set is necessarily needed, the Super Tiebreak will be adopted.
4. The setting of Doubles is 6 games. And there is “No Advantage” in each game. When the games set comes to six games all, 7 point tie break will be played.
5. The setting of Doubles finals is best of three. And there is “No Advantage” in each game. When the first set comes to six games all, there comes the Tiebreak. Moreover, when the final set is necessarily needed, the Super Tiebreak will be adopted.
6. Kid’s Group matches 5-8 years old Red ball
a、 The games will be divided round-robin competition, the setting of group matches is 7 points
b、 4 peoples in one group, both boys and girls
c、 Player lost point
i. The player serves two consecutive faults; or
ii. The player does not catch the ball in play before it bounces twice consecutively; or
iii. The player deliberately carries or catches the ball in play on the racket or deliberately touches it with the racket more than once;
C. After the first match has been finished, the second match will start immediately. The time schedule is for reference only.
D. If the weather is bad during the match, the Organizer may stop the game and reschedule in another day.
E. If there are less than 3 people /teams participating in a specific event, the corresponding event will be cancelled.
F. If any of the following situations happens, one will be withdrawn from the event
1. Being late for 15 minutes or more.
2. Participants have no acceptable reasons for the absence; or the reason itself is not approved by the organizer.
3. Refuse to attend the replay match.
4. Participants unreasonably stop the game for more than the predetermined time, i.e. 5 minutes as far as it will be acknowledged by the umpire.
6. Eligibility:
A. Holders of Macau ID users or of any other legal residence permits are eligible to join this competition.
B. Every player can only attend for most three events.
C. Double’s two players total number of age 30
D. Players must provide valid Macau ID or any other legal residence permits through registration.
E. It is the responsibility of the players who would like to participate in more than one events to notice if there will be any crashes of time of them.
7. Entries:
The participant will complete the registration form together with a photocopy of your Macau ID and two recent photos. The registered medical certificate of the Macao person will be submitted to the Macau Tennis Academy
Entry deadline: 18th Mar. to 8th Apr., 2017
8. Entry fee:
Singles – MOP$30.00 Doubles – Mop$50.00
9. Drawing:
The draw on 10th April which will be held in Macau Tennis Association’s
10. Official Tennis Balls used:
1) Wilson (Australian open)
2) Orange Balls
3) Red Balls
11. Costume:
All players shall dress in an appropriate tennis attire. The violators of it will be required of having it changed.
12. Power of the tournament committee
The tournament committee has the power to edit the rules of the games and schedule in any circumstance:
A. If one of the events (ex. Gentlemen’s single or ladies’ singles) does no have enough people to join (less than 3 people), it will be cancelled.
B. Have the authority to accept or refuse anyone or groups’ applications
C. Follow the schedule strictly and refuse any applications of rescheduling.
D. If the weather is bad or under some special cases/situations, the committee has the power to reschedule or postpone to another day.
13. Supervisor/chief referee/referees
Supervisor, Chief referee, referee is appointed by the Technical Committee. The Technical Committee will arrange the Chief referee (i.e. Chair Umpire) for the finals, and the others will be conducted under the Guidelines in Matches without Chair Umpire.
14. The Penalties of violation:
The Penalties of Violation will be conducted under the latest Rules of Tennis regulated by the International Tennis Federation (ITF).
15. Responsibility
The Macau Tennis Association Council will not be responsible for any injuries or damages caused during this Tournament.
16. Complaints
All complaints should be submitted in written form to Technical Committee within 24 hours after the match. And if having a disagreement with the decision of the Technical Committee, one can send complaints to the Macau Tennis Association Council, each of which will cost 500 MOP to the applicant. If the complaint is accepted, the 500 MOP will be refunded.
17. The final decision is made by The Technical Committee according to the latest Rules of Tennis regulated by the International Tennis Federation (ITF).
18. The Macau Tennis Association has the ultimate right of making righteous explanations and final decisions.
2017 澳門網球青少年錦標賽
一. 主辦單位:澳門網球總會主辦。
二. 比賽組別及項目:
1.男子18歲以下單打 |
6.女子18歲以下單打 |
2.男子14歲以下單打 |
7.女子14歲以下單打 |
3.男子12歲以下單打 |
8.女子12歲以下單打 |
4. 男子雙打 |
9.女子雙打 |
5.兒童10歲以下單打 |
10.兒童5-8歲組別賽 |
三. 比賽時間和地點:
四. 比賽規則:
五. 賽制:
A. 賽事採取兩個階段進行,第一階段分組循環,第二階段採用單淘汰制
B. 循環賽名次確定:按獲勝場數多少決定名次,如獲勝次數相同,則按相互間的勝負關係決定名次;如遇三隊﹝或三隊﹞以上獲勝次數相同,則按同一小組淨勝盤、局決定名次;仍相等,則按淨勝分數決定名次;再相等,則採用抽簽決定。循環賽事中,每勝一場得二分,負方一分,棄權零分.
1. 1-2、6-7組別,循環賽和淘汰賽均採用一盤六局,無佔先制﹝No Advantage﹞,每盤當局數六平手時進行七分決勝局﹝Tiebreak﹞
2. 3、5、8組別,循環賽和淘汰賽均採用一盤六局,無佔先制﹝No Advantage﹞,每盤由二比二開始,當局數六平手時進行七分決勝局﹝Tiebreak﹞
3. 單打決賽採用三盤兩勝制,每盤當局數六平手時進行七分決勝局﹝Tiebreak﹞,3、5、8組別每盤由二比二開始,當盤數為壹比壹平手時,則另進行十分決勝局(Super Tiebreak);
4. 雙打組別,循環賽和淘汰賽均採用一盤六局,無佔先制﹝No Advantage﹞,每盤當局數六平手時進行七分決勝局﹝Tiebreak﹞
5. 雙打決賽採用三盤兩勝,無佔先制﹝No Advantage﹞,每盤當局數六平手時進行七分決勝局﹝Tiebreak﹞,當盤數為壹比壹平手時,則另進行十分決勝局(Super Tiebreak)
6. 兒童5-8歲組別賽
i. 採用分組循環,搶七分決勝局
ii. 每組4人,不分男女
iii. 失分
1. 連續兩次發球失誤
2. 擊到了對方場地界外或其他物件
3. 運動員或他的球拍是否在手中或他所穿戴或攜帶的任何物品觸到球網、網柱、單打支柱、網繩、鋼絲繩、中心帶、網帶、對手場地面
C. 開賽過程中,上一場的比賽結束即是下一場比賽的開始時間,賽程表上的比賽時間只作參考﹝運動員必須服從技術委員會的安排﹞
D. 如遇天雨關係或不可抗力的因素造成比賽中斷未能在有效期恢復比賽的,已賽成績有效,大會將根據情況補足剩餘賽事
E. - 不足3人/對參賽,取消該項賽事;
F. 出現下列情況按棄權處理:
1. 遲到超過15分鐘
2. 並非不可抗力的原因,且未獲得賽會的批准,不參加賽程規定的比賽
3. 拒絶按賽會決定參加補賽或改期的比賽
4. 參賽運動會無故中斷超過規定時間﹝從裁判員認定時間開始5分鐘後﹞
六. 參賽資格:
A. 凡持有澳門居民身份證及其他合法居留證件者方可參加。
B. 任何球員最多報名3項賽事;
C. 参加雙打賽事兩名球員年齡相加不能超過30歲以上(含12歲);
D. 球員報到時必須持有效證件 , 必要時需出示供查閱;
七. 報名方法和日期:
l 方法:本次報名將同時進行運動員註冊,參賽者將填妥之報名表格連同其居民身份證副本、近照二張、本澳註冊醫生健康證明一併交至網球學校、填寫報名表時字體必須清楚及填寫與證件相符的名字。
l 報名日期:由2016年3月18日起至4月8日止。
八. 報名費:
單打-----30元 雙打------50元
九. 抽籤:
十. 比賽用球:
1. Wilson (Australian open)
2. 紅色球
3. 海綿球
十一. 比賽服裝要求 :
十二. 賽委會權力
A. 如上述任何一項賽事之參賽者不足三人(或三對)時,有權取消該項賽事;
B. 有權接受或拒絕任何參賽申請;
C. 嚴格按照賽程進行比賽,拒絕任何改期申請;
D. 如遇天雨或其他特殊情況,有權重編賽程、延期或安排其他日期作賽;
十三. 賽事監督、裁判長、裁判員:
十四. 對參賽選手違反行為準則的處罰:
十五. 責任:
十六. 投訴:
十七. 如有未完善之處,最終由技術委員會根據國際網協章程裁決作準。
十八. 本章程解釋權、修改權屬澳門網球總會。